
Las Vegas UFO Crash

ConspiriWeird Episode 4

We don’t suspect to see things falling from the sky. When we do, we usually expect it to be a meteor or something of that nature. We don’t expect to hear that it is a UFO that crashed and that there are aliens on the loose in Las Vegas. Today we are going to talk about just that. Is it a hoax? Or did aliens really crash in one of the most popular towns in the world? Things are about to get strange. 

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We don’t suspect to see things falling from the sky. When we do, we usually expect it to be a meteor or something of that nature. We don’t expect to hear that it is a UFO that crashed and that there are aliens on the loose in Las Vegas. Today we are going to talk about just that. Is it a hoax? Or did aliens really crash in one of the most popular towns in the world? Things are about to get strange. 

Just after midnight on May 1st, there was a mysterious object that fell from the sky. This was caught on several ring cameras. It was even caught on police body camera footage. 

At around 11:50 PM on April 30th, a Las Vegas Metro police officer caught something flying low across the sky. According to the American Meteor Society, several other people across Nevada, Utah, and eastern California caught it as well. About 40 minutes later, a man called 9-1-1. He stated that he and his family saw something falling from the sky and that there were two things moving in his backyard. They told dispatch that there were two 8-10 feet creatures in their backyard, and that they had big eyes and big mouths and were watching them. The caller stated that they were 100% not human and that they were terrified. The Metro police call log shows several other family members confirmed the sighting to the police. Officers arrived at the house 30 minutes after the 911 call, and the officers were heard in the body cam video that they were nervous and that they had butterflies. 

The officers admitted that they saw something fall out of the sky as well. After the claims, the police began surveillance by installing high-tech cameras on top of the residence house. This was to see if there were any aliens that were going to come back to the location. It was taken down after a few days.  While the case was initially open for several days, the case was closed  by the department. 

NASA’s Planetary Defense Office stated that the beam of light was a bright meteor that fell through the sky. The meteor was apparently the size of a meter. The meteor was recorded on the American Meteor Society’s Fire logs. It did not make the logs for NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies. NASA officials added that based on the speed of the meteor, it would likely be very high in the atmosphere, “so nothing from the meteor landed in anyone’s backyard in Vegas.”

A NASA official stated that the discrepancy between NASA’s center and the Meteor Society’s fireball occurred because the center’s website only captures reports for objects that are estimated to have exceeded 1 meter in size based on the observed total energy released. “In other words, natural objects which were enough to be categorized as asteroids prior to entering the Earth’s atmosphere.” 
There have been several videos that have been released. Body cam footage, doorbell cameras, and camera videos uploaded online. There was even a video that was posted showing a UFO flying around Las Vegas days before the supposed crash. In some of these videos, you can see something that looks like aliens.

Do you believe in UFO’s and Aliens?
What do you think about the police putting surveillance cameras on top of the house? 
How do you feel about the videos that went viral on TikTok and other sites?
Do you think that it was an asteroid, like NASA says? Or an actual UFO crash?
How long do you think it will be before the men in black go out there for a visit?

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