
April 8th Solar Eclipse

ConspiriWeird Episode 16

Tonight, we delve into the celestial shadows, where astronomy meets the extraordinary. Have you ever wondered if the Sun itself could vanish? Not in some fiery cataclysm, mind you, but in a ballet of perfect alignment. Tonight, we unlock the secrets of the solar eclipse, a cosmic event where the Moon, our celestial companion, becomes a cosmic magician, swallowing the Sun whole and plunging the world into an inky twilight.  This isn't some parlor trick with mirrors – this is the awe-inspiring power of the cosmos on display. So, fasten your metaphorical seatbelts, because we're about to witness the greatest magic trick the sky has to offer! Things are about to get strange.

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Tonight, we delve into the celestial shadows, where astronomy meets the extraordinary. Have you ever wondered if the Sun itself could vanish? Not in some fiery cataclysm, mind you, but in a ballet of perfect alignment. Tonight, we unlock the secrets of the solar eclipse, a cosmic event where the Moon, our celestial companion, becomes a cosmic magician, swallowing the Sun whole and plunging the world into an inky twilight.  This isn't some parlor trick with mirrors – this is the awe-inspiring power of the cosmos on display. So, fasten your metaphorical seatbelts, because we're about to witness the greatest magic trick the sky has to offer! Things are about to get strange.

So what is an eclipse? 
A Total Solar Eclipse is the most dramatic type, where the Moon completely covers the Sun's disc. During totality, the sky darkens considerably, and the Sun's outer atmosphere, the corona, becomes visible. It's a rare and truly breathtaking sight. There are also Partial Solar Eclipses, where observers in these areas will see the Sun as a crescent or with a "bite" taken out of it.

A solar eclipse actually happens quite often, about every 18 months, but it tends to be over the ocean where no one sees it, so when it is going over the land it’s a bit of a bigger deal because now we have a chance to view it.

Here’s what you came here for, the CONSPIRACIES. Undoubtedly, despite the FACTS that the solar eclipse is a natural cosmic phenomenon, some people have their beliefs as to what the eclipse means, albeit far from the truth. Some people, thirsting for apocalyptic events, believe it signals the END OF DAYS while others may be a bit more paranoid and think “the Biden administration is using it as an opportunity to shut down cellphone service or bring in the National Guard in an effort to make beautiful blond children who play sports transgender.” (1)

There are places doing things for the event that are being misconstrued by people wanting to spread misinformation. For example, Texas’ Travis County and Oklahoma’s McCurtain County have issued disaster warnings prior to the eclipse but not for fear or some evil plans. These areas are expecting an influx of traffic during the event, tourists traveling in to see the event causing congestion of the roads and of cell services. Not nearly a call for the end of days.
But it does get quite deep down the rabbit hole if you begin looking into all these theories. 

Here’s a real life take. I was at work and got to talking a little bit with a delivery driver. I forget what I said that sparked it, probably “watch out for the crazy people” since he’s a driver and our roads have pretty crazy drivers, but he just began to go on and on about the solar eclipses going over the US being significant because the government wants you to think a certain way and yada yada. I kind of wish I had it recorded, but if I follow what he’s talking about it leads to tales rituals with secretive organizations around the world. The only thing kind of going for it in way of truth is that this solar eclipse happening tomorrow, April 8th, 2024, is having a comet appear on the same day, and the last time these two events happened together was in 1811 when a comet following the same path was followed by some of the largest earthquakes in American history. 
I believe the gentleman was referring to how the eclipses that have gone over the US “illustrates how the trajectory of the most recent solar eclipse viewable in the United States, as well as the trajectory of the upcoming eclipse, form an “Aleph” and “Tav,” which … are the first and last letters in the Hebrew language, signaling the beginning and end times.” (1)

During ancient times, farmers believed it would generate fear. That their god was angry or sad. Some myths described a beast trying to EAT the sun! 

“The Chippewa people, who were one of the largest group of American Indians in North America, shot flaming arrows at the sun in the hopes of rekindling it. There were tribes in Peru who did the same but for a different reason; they were attempting to fight off the beast that was trying to destroy the sun. The Japanese believed that during the eclipse, poison would drop from the sky, so they covered their walls to protect themselves. And if you happened to be in Transylvania, the belief was that the eclipse would cause a plague.” (2)

There are some who believe the eclipse will cause issues with the weather or cause earthquakes and tremors. But the facts are, the moon’s shadow will travel too fast to cause weather issues like severe storms and the moon’s gravitational pull, while normally being very subtle, is nowhere near enough to cause quakes and definitely not changing magically during an eclipse. “The biggest effect that will be seen as a result of the eclipse is a temperature drop of a few degrees and an increase in the wind.” (3)

What other cosmic phenomena are there that can be witnessed in the sky besides the solar eclipse?

Lunar Eclipse: Unlike a solar eclipse where the Moon blocks the Sun, a lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth casts its shadow on the Moon. During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon takes on a reddish hue, sometimes referred to as a "blood moon."

Meteor Showers: When Earth passes through the debris field left behind by a comet, we experience a meteor shower. These tiny bits of rock and ice burn up in Earth's atmosphere, creating streaks of light across the sky. Some popular meteor showers include the Perseids in August and the Geminids in December.

Planetary Transits: A rare event where a planet, most commonly Mercury or Venus, passes directly between Earth and the Sun, creating a small silhouette moving across the Sun's surface.

Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis: Also known as the northern and southern lights, these colorful displays of light are caused by charged particles from the Sun interacting with Earth's atmosphere. They are most commonly seen at high latitudes but can sometimes be seen further south during strong solar storms.

It all sounds like SO MUCH fun you want to watch it happen, right? Well you’ll need protection.
It's important to use safe solar eclipse glasses to view a solar eclipse. Never look directly at the sun with your naked eyes, even during an eclipse. Here are two options for acquiring safe eclipse glasses:

* **Online Retailers:** Several online retailers sell ISO-certified eclipse glasses. These reputable vendors often have them available for purchase a few months leading up to a solar eclipse. Here are some examples of reputable online retailers:
   * American Paper Optics Eclipser HD Solar Glasses: ...
   * Celestron EclipSmart Solar Shades Observing Kit: ...
* **Local Retailers:**  Some local stores, especially science centers, museums or planetariums, may also carry solar eclipse glasses leading up to the event. You can call your local science centers or astronomy stores to see if they have any in stock.  

**Safety Reminder:**  Make sure any eclipse glasses you purchase are ISO-certified. Look for an ISO 12312-2 (2015) certification marking on the glasses to ensure they meet international safety standards for direct solar observation.

While the science is clear – they're celestial mechanics, not celestial omens – the allure of a good conspiracy theory seems to be ever-present. But here's the thing: the universe is a pretty amazing place, full of genuine wonders.  Maybe, instead of getting caught up in shadows, we can use eclipses as a chance to appreciate the incredible dance between the sun, the moon, and the Earth. After all, that's a truth that's stranger than any fiction. Stay weird ya’ll.


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